Verschiedene Vorträge und Workshops im Rahmen der Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, 2. – 6. September 2014, Leipzig.
- 3. September 2014: Workshop von Christoph Freydorf: „Money, debt, growth – how are they connected?”
- 3. September 2014: Vortrag von Oliver Richters, Christian Kimmich und Ferdinand Wenzlaff: „Theoretical considerations on growth imperatives in a monetary economy”.
- 4. September 2014: Vortrag von Benedikt Weihmayr: „100% Money and Vollgeld, a Solution for a Stationary Economy? A Critical Analysis”.
- 4. September 2014: Vortrag von Christoph Freydorf: „How does the monetary system work, does it require economic growth, and are there monetary policy options allowing degrowth?”